Free Game
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition
2) Link your Origin Account then Goto: [ %appdata%\Local\\Galaxy\plugins\installed ] and open the next folder.
3) Open '' in any text editor.
4) Search for "return games" in this file.
5) Just above that line add the code provided : games.append(Game("42069", "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition", None, LicenseInfo(LicenseType.SinglePurchase, None)))
6) Make sure the spaces before this line and "return games" line are same because in python spaces are very important.
7) Save and relaunch the client-> claim free game -> check email for confirmation
8) Remove the code line -> relaunch client app and install the game.
9) Play and enjoy this Masterpiece!
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enjoy free WITCHER