9.99$ on steam : https://store.steampowered.com/app/68213...Bot_Maker/
Features :
-Discord Bot Maker uses a system based on “commands” and “events”. Commands are manually called functions that invoke specific actions. These are done by sending specific words or phrases into the chat. The other half of the system involves “events”. These will invoke functions based on certain conditions, such as members leaving/joining the server, the creation of channels, the banning of members, etc.
Both commands and events call upon “actions” that the developer selects.
-Here’s a sample of some of the supported actions:
- Sending Messages
- Generating Embedded Messages
- Creating Roles and Channels
- Sending Local Files
- Dynamically Editing Images
- Manipulating Emojis
- Storing and Controlling Data
- Applying Logic Sequencing
- Banning or Kicking Members
- Being Awesome
- And much more!
Not to mention, Discord Bot Maker provides a modifiable action system. Using HTML and JavaScript, advanced users can create their own actions by designing custom UIs and programming specific features. One may even manipulate bot code through extensions. The possibilities are endless!
screenshot : https://prnt.sc/otyzc6
Download Link:
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